Give Us Your Feedback Feedback A way for you to give feedback about your experience with Reach Out. Our partners will use this information to continue to improve the service. Name * Required First Last Email PhoneHave you contacted ReachOut by phone or webchat? * RequiredYes, by phone.Yes, by webchat.No, but someone I know has contacted you.Please tell us about your experience. Your feedback will help us improve the service for people with mental health or addictions concerns and their family members, caregivers and health care professionals. * RequiredPlease tell us about all the ways you have heard about Reach Out. * RequiredGoogle SearchFacebookTwitterNewspaperReach Out WebsiteA health care professional told me about it.My employerPosterBrochure or Reach Out business cardthehealthline.caEmailI don't rememberEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.